Kamis, 02 Juni 2016


About Influx
Influx is a X11 algorithm based coin with no pre-mine using a Pow+Pos Hybrid backend and designed specifically for CPU/GPU setups. We have our own network with in Latisys and Level 3 Datacenters solely owned and operated by us which means there is no 3rd parties involved with our hardware and systems. Our goal is to be able to support all blockchains across the INFX network and provide the services needed to help support the blockchain industry. Our API /Payment processor takes 100% INFX to power our hosting platform, which means when you buy services you pay with INFX and only INFX. We have a passion for helping people with their computer needs and truly love being able to interact with the world.

Get involved
If you would like to help support the project and it's current and future developments, please visit our Github repo for all questions or you can reach us on our slack channel.
Slack: http://slack.influxcoin.xyz
Github: https://github.com/influxteam/influx/

Currency Specs 

Coin Type: PoW/PoS Hybrid
Hashing Algorithm: X11 
Time Between Blocks: 4 minutes
Next Block Halving : 240,000
Min/Max Stake in Days 2/60
Pre-mine: No Premine   
Total Coins: 12,000,000
Current Supply: 1.9 Million
Yearly Interest %: 8


rpc port=9239 
net port=9238

Get Influx:
Windows, Linux, Mac Wallet Downloads https://influxcoin.xyz/get-influx/
Source via GitHub https://github.com/influxteam/influx


1.  Creva coin-related links 

 Creva Group Home Page
 download Creva coin (main page)
 Block Chain Explorer 
 Creva’s membership-only web site 
links to Creva coin sources 
 Creva coin Shopping Mall 

2. Who is Creva coin? 
Creva coin, an electronic money developed by teams with experiences in developing bit coins, has an algorithm as bit coins d.  

It’s fully developed now and is being normally sent and received among members in Korea.  

Creva coin, as bit coins are circulated to some degree, is being normally used among our members in Korea like at Creva Shopping Mall where bit coins can be used so that it may function as an e-money and we will gradually expand its usage. 

Headquarters of Creva Group is in Hong Kong and was founded with 50 million US dollars as ‘Creva Group Co. Ltd.’ 

Its e-money business starts with its branch in Korea, where the Internet environment is excellent.

3. How to install e-wallet

Self-extract compressed file after downloading it from http://www.crevacoin.com and you will see e-wallet.  

Double-click it for automatic installation and opening. 

It gets basically installed in Korean since it starts in Korea. When e-wallet address is known, you paste it, key in how much you want to trade including decimal fractions and click the button for immediate sending and receiving. 

4. Creva Group’s Internet services
You can access downloading e-wallet and its open sources through the above web site URL. 

Selasa, 31 Mei 2016


Bytecoin (BCN) is a cryptocurrency started on July 4, 2012. Bytecoin is not a fork Bitcoin and uses the unique algorithm CryptoNight.
Based on CryptoNote technology | https://cryptonote.org/

Algorithm: CryptoNight
Block time: 120 seconds (2 minutes)
Difficulty retargets each block
Block reward decreases each block according to the formula: BaseReward = (MSupply - A)/218,  where MSupply = (264 - 1) atomic units and 'A' is amount of already generated coins
One coin is divisible down to 8 decimal places (divisible up to 108)
Total coins: 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 atomic units (= 184.46 billion BCN)


True anonymity & data protection
Untraceable payments use ring signature
Unlinkable transactions with random data by the sender
Blockchain analysis resistant
Only CPU-mining & ASIC-resistant
POW mechanism is a voting system for users

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016


Ethereum is a public blockchain platform with programmable transaction functionality. It provides a decentralized virtual machine that can execute peer-to-peer contracts using a cryptocurrency called Ether (unofficial code ETH).

Ethereum was initially proposed by Vitalik Buterin in late 2013 and in 2014 he described it as "A Next-Generation Cryptocurrency and Decentralized Application Platform". Development was funded by a crowd sale in August 2014.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016


Dash (formerly known as Darkcoin and XCoin) is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that uses a system called Darksend to add privacy to transactions. It was rebranded from "Darkcoin" to "Dash" on March 25, 2015, a portmanteau of "Digital Cash".

One of the features of Dash is decentralized governance, making it a decentralized autonomous organization. Token fungibility and user transaction privacy is another feature, which is provided by a service called Darksend, a decentralized coin-mixing service provided by the network.

Dash uses a chained hashing algorithm approach called X11 for the proof-of-work. Instead of using the SHA-256 (from well-known Secure Hash Algorithm family) or scrypt it uses 11 rounds of different hashing functions. The main reason for X11, was to duplicate the maturation cycle of the mining economy, which was originally important to Evan Duffield.

As of 2016, Dash is among the top-5 most popular cryptocurrencies.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2016


Dogecoin (/ˈdoʊʒkɔɪn/ dohzh-koyn, code: DOGE, symbol: Ð and D) is a cryptocurrency featuring a likeness of the Shiba Inu dog from the "Doge" Internet meme as its logo. Introduced as a "joke currency" on 8 December 2013, Dogecoin quickly developed its own online community and reached a capitalization of USD 60 million in January 2014; as of March 2016, it had a capitalization of USD 22.2 million.

Compared with other cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin has a fast initial coin production schedule: 100 billion coins have been in circulation by mid 2015 with an additional 5.256 billion coins every year thereafter. As of 30 June 2015, the 100 billionth Dogecoin has been mined. While there are few mainstream commercial applications, the currency has gained traction as an Internet tipping system, in which social media users grant Dogecoin tips to other users for providing interesting or noteworthy content. Many members of the Dogecoin community, as well as members of other cryptocurrency communities, use the phrase "To the moon!" to describe the overall sentiment of the coin's rising value.


Litecoin (LTC or Ł) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license. Inspired by and technically nearly identical to bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin creation and transfer is based on an open source protocol and is not managed by any central authority.
Litecoin version was released in November 2013. The release included fixes for vulnerabilities and added enhanced security to the Litecoin network.

The Litecoin developer team released version in early December 2013. The new version offered a 20x reduction in transaction fees, along with other security and performance improvements in the client and network. The source code and binaries were released early to people in the "#litecoin" IRC channel, on the official Litecoin forums, and on Reddit, with information for power users to add a Litecoin supernode to the configuration file, while the main site was to be updated after enough of the network was running the new version. This release method was used to ensure that the low fee transactions from version clients would not be delayed by clients running older versions.

In April 2014, a new version of Litecoin was released, version, which fixed some minor issues along with an important fix related to the Heartbleed security bug.